
POP Frames

Written by Patrick | Nov 21, 2023 10:31:24 PM

Hey Nerds! I haven’t posted in a while, but I wanted to show you a prototype I’m working on. This whole thing started with me dealing with my Pop collection. My goal was to find a solution that showed off my collection in a way that saved space and protected the Pop itself from outside elements. What I came up with is a POP frame or POP Frames. Coming up with this combo was a little more difficult to figure out than I thought it would be in the beginning. And I am still working on it.

One of the hardest parts of building this prototype is figuring out what type of case you want to use. This one in the post is a thicker premium UV-coated acrylic case with a magnetic top. The other option is the thinner acrylic case (the same type Funko uses), which is not UV-coated. 

After figuring that out, I moved on to finding the right frame. You would think it would be easy, but after buying and testing over a dozen different frames, it isn't. This one I found and liked, but I'm not sure about the spacing along the sides. This most likely means I will need to come up with a custom frame, depending on the case I end up using. 
The last problem is figuring out an easy way to swap out POPs. Being a former Marine means I have to keep it simple and stupid. It also means I will probably over-engineer the whole thing, see my other product (@Audiocoasters). Let me know what you think in the comments or DM me ideas on how I can improve the product!