About Us

Nerdlocker.com was created as a blog in 2007. The website’s sole purpose was to give its founder a place to rant about his views on comics, TV, movies, and other things ‘geeky.’ Over the years Nerdlocker evolved from a blog to a website, and weekly online show covering all things “nerdy” using our tagline “A place for your inner nerd” as our guide.  

Following that mantra, Nerdlocker has pivoted from a media outlet and taken the phrase literally. Nerds collect A LOT of stuff like artist prints, posters, toys, figures, or build starship models and a lot more. Nerdlocker is taking its nearly 20 years of knowledge on all things nerdy, and its connections in the art, movie, and collectors world to develop solutions that help customers display their most prized possessions.

Our mission is to provide the average collector with solutions to display their collectibles in the best possible way without breaking the bank. Whether it’s designing solutions to modify existing furniture or coming up with something completely new, at Nerdlocker that collector is at the center of everything we do.


Community Understanding + Innovation = Quality Solutions